Science Communication for All – Sex, Health, COVID, and More

Women's health nurse practitioner Sadia sitting in a forest wearing a mask

Science communication leads people to think of the mitochondria and solar system. Both are very important and close to my heart. Seriously, who doesn’t love stars and cells? 🙂 But, it is important to note that science communication does not exist in a vacuum. Truly, sexual and reproductive health is a science, yet often overlooked. Even in the most mainstream health spaces, discussions of sexual and reproductive health are extremely taboo (and under-funded).

Science is the study of this world and its wonders. What can be more wonderful than a ground-breaking orgasm, excellent pain management after a fall, or inner peace at last? I have experience writing, editing, speaking, and reviewing several topics. From Asian American health disparities to endometriosis and Long COVID, science communication is at my core.

Please read through my portfolio to get an idea of what sort of projects I have worked on in my life. I try to update it every six months, sometimes more or less depending on how busy you all keep me! Note, even if you do not see something in my portfolio and would like my assistance, I am more than willing to listen. As long as you’re respectful and genuine, of course 🙂

Sadia’s Science Communication Portfolio at a Glance

Why You Should Hire Sadia

I get it. Really, you have many options, and life is a bit chaotic right now. Finding a science communication consultant might not be urgent or even something on your never-ending to-do list. You have concerns about budget, timeline, experience, all of which are valid and reasonable.

As an independent business woman not affiliated with any other health consulting practices, I’m a little different. A little niche. Overall, I’m a little innovative and creative.

You need someone who thinks outside the box. Truthfully, you need someone who will get the job done, understand your target audience, and put in 100% effort.

I work with all sorts of people and entities: 1-1 consults, non-profits, schools, businesses, and more. I am your consultant because of my academic credentials, my experience, and my unique voice.

So, are you ready to take the plunge and hire the person you’ve been waiting for?

Email me at digitalheatlthcommunicator at gmail dot com or visit my LinkedIn.

Science communication at its finest with Sadia at a local BDSM event

DISCLAIMER: Nurse Sadia is a licensed and board-certified women’s health nurse practitioner and registered nurse. All information on this page and on is for educational and informative purposes only. It is not meant to be used for self-diagnosing or self-treatment of any health-related conditions. While the information presented has used evidence-based research and guidelines for accuracy, Nurse Sadia cannot guarantee any inaccuracies as healthcare is rapidly evolving.

This information should not be used to substitute professional medical advice. Nurse Sadia is not responsible or liable for any damages, loss, injury, or any negative outcomes suffered as a result of personal reliance on the information contained on this website. Nurse Sadia also makes no guaranteed positive outcomes. Information is also subject to change as needed without notice. Please consult with your healthcare provider before making any healthcare decisions and ask about guidance for specific health conditions. Please do not disregard the advice of your healthcare provider or delay seeking care for health care conditions.

P.S. Are you still reading? If you are able to afford to do so, consider compensating me for my time and labor with a one-time amount via PayPal ( or Ko-fi ( Thank you!

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